Arabian Pipe Coating Company Ltd. (APCO) recognizes the potential hazards associated with its activities and, through its HSE policy, pledges to achieving and protecting the well-being of its employees, their families and the environment. APCO believes HSE performance is an integral part of its success as it promotes the dedication of its employees and the retention of their capabilities. All APCO employees must play active roles in achieving and upholding the principles of this policy.
APCO HSE objectives shall be achieved at all company locations by adhering to applicable regulatory laws and to the following principles:
The above principles are an integral part of the foundation which supports the governance of our company and the programs which will foster its development and success.
HSE (Health, Safety and Environment) will be considered first and will be evaluated on an equal basis with quality and cost in making business decisions. Management will provide continuous support and commitment to the implementation of HSE practices.